Annual Cousins Reunion

As children of the Magnificent Eleven, we all grew up in or around London and family get togethers were a regular event, but inevitably we grew up and relocated around the country and found that apart from funerals and weddings it was something that we no longer managed to do and realised how much we missed them.

And so I conceived the idea of staging a weekend, where we could all book in to a hotel for a night or two, to have a good old reminisce and to swap our latest news. The idea, when put to Brian Marks was warmly welcomed and the rest of the cousins soon came on board.

And so the  Annual Reunion was born.

The photograph from 1997, shows the attendees at the first event, which was held at The Crown Hotel in Stamford, this event was so enjoyable it's been repeated every year since. These cousins have since gone on to share the organising of each subsequent reunion.

However, in 2023, the number of cousins attending the reunion had dropped to 8. This was due in the main to ill health and age, so it was regretfully decided that after 27 years, this was to be the final one. We will however keep in contact and meet up occasionally, but these will be on a smaller and more informal scale.

From 2014 we managed to include a number of the next generation as well and I hope that once they are free from the restrictions that their careers and young families impose on them, they will rekindle the global family ties that were so important to us, and re-commence the reunions.

 John Roberts

Use the arrows to the right to scroll through the photographs